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Sati Chita – Funeral Pyre at Sati Math in Odisha is Burning non-stop for more than two centuries

Sati Math is located in Dharakote Gada around 53 km from Berhampur in Ganjam District in Odisha. Sati Chita here has been burning non-stop for more than two centuries. It has been burning for 254 years. Chandrama Devi became sati in 1788 in the funeral pyre.

The Mahantas of the Sati Mat' keep maintaining the Math along with the Sati Chita.
DNA reports
The practice of keeping the 'Sati Chita' burning followed immediately by the order of Raja Saheb Rajendra Singh who ascended the throne during 1788 after the death of Krushna Singh, said Braja Mohan.

According to Barja Mohan once Raja Saheb was returning to the palace from hunting and was forced to take immediate rest after intermittent rain and bad light.

He saw a ray of light sparkling from a place covered with different varieties of trees. When he proceeded further, he
discovered the light was emanated from a hut where there was no drops of rain and one sadhu was sitting in meditation.

When Rajendra Singh asked the reason, the sadhu pointed his finger to the flame where Chandrama Devi entered into the funeral pyre of her husband Krushna Singh.

Rajendra Singh was highly impressed by knowing this and arranged building and lands for the Math immediately.