Tragedy struck during a fireworks show at Puttingal Devi
Temple at Paravur, south of Kollam in Kerala on April 11, 2016. 107 dead and
counting. – Do We Care?
Sincere and deepest condolence to the bereaved. Heartfelt
condolence to the suffering families. Prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured
Do we Hindus care about the lives of our brothers and
sisters? The official apathy and callous attitude shown towards crowd
management during Hindu festivals is nothing new. Have we ever bothered to
ask why there is always poor crowd-control techniques and planning by the temple
authorities during Hindu festivals?
Huge amount of money is collected in the name of festivals
from shopkeepers, business people and common people. What is this money used
This is not the first time a tragedy has struck in a Hindu
Wai Temple Stampede in Maharashtra in 2005 – 265
Madhya Pradesh Ratangarh Temple – 50 pilgrims had
got washed away falling in panic into the Sindh River
Naina Devi Temple tragedy in 2008 – 145 dead
Chamunda temple at Jodhpur 2008 – 147 dead
63 dead after a temple gate crashed in UP in 2010
100 dead in Stampede in Sabarimala in Kerala in January 2011
Madhya Pradesh Ratangarh Temple Stampede October 13, 2013 –
110 dead
Puttingal Devi Temple at Paravur, south of Kollam in Kerala –
110 dead
….. stop expanding this list…wake up
The above list is incomplete. It has not mentioned
numerous minor incidents, which often goes unnoticed.