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What is Variyan Yoga in Hindu Astrology? – Vareeyan Yoga Meaning

Variyan Yoga is one among the 27 yogas in Hindu astrology. It is calculated by the degrees of moon and sun starting from Ashwini Nakshatra. Variyan, or Vareeyan, is a very good yog. The lord of this Yoga is Kuber – treasurer of Devas.

Variyan is the eighteenth among the 27 yogas.

The yoga is good for all types of auspicious events especially those relating to buying, business and profit.

Activities done during the Variyan Yoga period will always end in profit.

Doing charity during the period is highly meritorious.

Variyan Yoga, also known as Vareeyan Yoga, is one of the 27 yogas in Hindu astrology. These yogas are specific combinations or positions of the Moon and the Sun, calculated from the degrees they occupy starting from Ashwini Nakshatra. Variyan Yoga is the eighteenth yoga in this sequence.

Here are some key points about Variyan Yoga:

  1. Lord of the Yoga: The ruling deity of Variyan Yoga is Kuber, who is the treasurer of the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology. Kuber is associated with wealth, prosperity, and material riches.

  2. Auspicious Nature: Variyan Yoga is considered highly auspicious and is deemed to bring good fortune. It is particularly favorable for activities related to buying, business ventures, and profit-making endeavors. Undertakings during this period are believed to lead to success and financial gain.

  3. Suitable Activities:

    • Business Transactions: Initiating business deals, investments, and other financial transactions are highly recommended during Variyan Yoga as they are likely to result in profit.
    • Purchasing Assets: Buying property, vehicles, or other significant assets during this time is considered beneficial.
    • Charitable Acts: Performing acts of charity and donations during Variyan Yoga is believed to be very meritorious and can bring about positive karmic results.
  4. General Benefits:

    • Activities conducted during Variyan Yoga are said to have a higher likelihood of ending successfully.
    • This period is seen as favorable for starting new ventures and projects due to the positive influence of the yoga.

In summary, Variyan Yoga is a potent and auspicious period in Hindu astrology, especially beneficial for business, purchases, and charitable activities, under the auspices of Kuber, the deity of wealth.