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What is Siddha Yoga in Hindu Astrology? – Siddh Yog Meaning

Siddha Yoga is one among the 27 yogas in Hindu astrology. It is calculated by the degrees of moon and sun starting from Ashwini Nakshatra. Siddha, or Siddh, is a very good yog. The lord of this Yoga is Kartikeya – Lord Kartik or Muruga.

Siddha is the 21st among the 27 yogas.

The yoga is good for all auspicious events.

Activities done during the Siddha Yoga period will usher in progress, peace and prosperity.

It is also an auspicious period to perform various charity related activities. 

Siddha Yoga, one of the 27 yogas in Hindu astrology, is determined based on the degrees of the moon and the sun starting from Ashwini Nakshatra. Siddha Yoga, also referred to as Siddh Yoga, is considered extremely beneficial and auspicious.

Calculation and Significance

Siddha Yoga is the 21st among the 27 yogas, making it a unique period in the astrological calendar. The calculation of Siddha Yoga is intricate and involves the precise positioning of the moon and sun, with reference to Ashwini Nakshatra, the first of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This precise alignment is believed to create a favorable environment for various activities.

Deity Association

The presiding deity of Siddha Yoga is Kartikeya, also known as Lord Kartik or Muruga. Kartikeya is a significant deity in Hinduism, symbolizing youth, power, and victory. He is often depicted as a warrior god and is revered in many parts of India, particularly in Tamil Nadu and among communities worshiping the divine in the form of Muruga.

Auspicious Nature

Siddha Yoga is highly regarded for its auspicious nature. It is an ideal period for initiating new ventures, performing important ceremonies, and embarking on significant life events. The belief is that activities undertaken during this period are blessed with success, growth, and positive outcomes.

Suitable Activities

  1. Ceremonies and Rituals: Siddha Yoga is considered perfect for performing various religious ceremonies, including weddings, naming ceremonies, housewarmings, and other significant life events. The auspiciousness of this period ensures that these events are filled with positivity and blessings.

  2. Charity and Philanthropy: It is also a favorable time for engaging in charitable activities. Acts of giving and service performed during Siddha Yoga are believed to bring peace and prosperity, not only to the recipients but also to the donors. Philanthropic endeavors during this period are thought to yield multiplied benefits and divine grace.

  3. Business and Investments: Starting new business ventures, making important investments, or launching projects are considered highly propitious during Siddha Yoga. The positive energy of this period is believed to foster success and growth in professional and financial endeavors.


The benefits of Siddha Yoga are multifaceted, promoting progress, peace, and prosperity in all aspects of life. This auspicious period is said to create a harmonious environment, conducive to both spiritual and material growth. The alignment of celestial bodies during Siddha Yoga is believed to enhance the efficacy of efforts, leading to favorable results and overall well-being.

In summary, Siddha Yoga is a highly esteemed period in Hindu astrology, marked by its auspiciousness and association with the deity Kartikeya. Its calculation is based on the positions of the moon and sun relative to Ashwini Nakshatra, and it is considered an excellent time for various auspicious activities, promising progress, peace, and prosperity.