Neem Ghee is a unique preparation made from neem leaves and
cow ghee. It is a medicine for skin ailments and piles. To prepare neem ghee, neem leaves
are pounded to extract their juice.
Ghee and neem leaves juice is then mixed – equal amount. The
mixture is heated till its volume is reduced to the original volume of ghee.
One has to ensure that the oil does not burn in the process.
Neem ghee can be applied for skin related ailments.
If neem ghee made from tender neem leaves is applied on the protrusion of piles, it will be cured with a few days. The ghee should be applied little warm.
Neem ghee should always be applied just before going to bed at night.
If neem ghee made from tender neem leaves is applied on the protrusion of piles, it will be cured with a few days. The ghee should be applied little warm.
Neem ghee should always be applied just before going to bed at night.