Shuleshwar Mahadev is worshiped in Ujjain in
Madhya Pradesh. It is one of the 84 forms of Shiva worshiped in Ujjain. It
is believed that worshipping Shuleshwar Form of Shiva will help in overcoming
fears and all forms of difficulties.
The temple dedicated to Shuleshwar Mahadev is located at
Khatikwada on Dhaba Road.
This form of Shiva is associated with demon Andakasur.
Shuleshwar Mahadev is counted among the 84 Shiva Temples in Ujjain and
it is the 51st temple visited during the parikarama of Shiavalayas here.
Story of Shuleshwar Mahadev
Legend has it that Andakasur defeated Indra, the king of
devas. He started residing in heaven. Intoxicated with power and arrogance, he
asked Lord Shiva to abandon Kailash and sent his wife to him.
Shiva asked Andakasur to come to Kailash and remove him, if he thinks he is so powerful.
Andakasur arrived with a huge army to fight Shiva. But Shiva
defeated them all using his Trishul or trident. He thrust his Trishul on Andakasur
and swirled him around. From the blood of Andakasur numerous demons appeared
but they were all annihilated by Goddess Durga.
Before dying, Andakasur worshiped Shiva and asked him for
Shiva asked him to go to Mahakal forest and offer prayers to
a Shivling located north of Prithukeshwar Shivling.
Andakasur did as told by Shiva. As Andakasur was killed by
Trishul and he offered prayers here, the Shivling came to be known as Shuleshwar