Puthanalkkal Bhagavathy Temple at Cherpulassery
in Palakkad District. The annual Thalappoli festival in the shrine is
observed in Malayalam Kumbham month (this usually falls on February 13). The rituals and festivities attracts
scores of devotees. The Thalappoli festival is observed on the next day Kalavela festival.
Thalappoli is a unique feature of temple festival in Kerala.
Girls, unmarried women and married women carry lighted lamps and move in a
procession to the temple. It is performed for peace and prosperity.
The temple is traditionally decorated with plantain, coconut
leaves, flowers, leaves, traditional lamps and lights.
The temple is dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathi and is an
important Shakti Shrine in the region.
The annual pratishta festival in the temple is held in Malayalam Mithuna Masam (June - July).