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Inspired by a man who do not have the ability to talk

Many of us have difficulty in talking in a gathering or public. We have social fear, shyness, what other people will think etc …etc. Then we come across people who do have the ability to talk (speech impairment) but they make all attempts in public to let know their emotions, ideas and thoughts.

Nature has given us the capacity to speak but we do not make use of it wisely due to ego, fear or shyness. To those whom nature denied it, they try all means to communicate.

Therefore, those of us who are unable to express our opinions or communicate in a gathering or public should take inspiration from people with speech impairment.

Inspired by a man who do not have the ability to talk or by 

Source – During a serious problem in a locality, from a building with twenty four flats the only person who was talking and expressing his anguish was the man with speech impairment. Rest all were closeted in their apartments.
