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Kollam Koyilandy Pisharikavu Temple Kaliyattam Festival

Pisharikavu Temple is located at Kollam Koyilandy in Kozhikode District. Mother Goddess is worshipped here in the form of a sword Nandakkam sword. The annual Shuddhi Kriya ritual is observed in Makaram month. The famous Kaliyattam festival is observed for 7 days in Meenam month.

There is no fixed date for the Kaliyattam festival. The only rule is that it should be observed in the Meenam Month (March - April).

The annual Shuddhi Kriya festival is held in Makaram month. The Kaliyattam kurikkal is held in Kumbha Masam.

How Is Koyilandy Pisharikavu Temple Kaliyattam Date Fixed?

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The temple is traditional decorated with plantain, coconut fronds, lamps, leaves, lights etc.

Hundreds of people witness this ritual. Shuddhi Kriya ritual is basically a cleansing ritual to increase the Tejas of the deity worshipped in the shrine.

Kollam Koyilandy Pisharikavu Temple Kaliyattam festival attracts thousands of devotees. Various types of Theyyams are performed during the festival.

Kollam Koyilandy Pisharikavu Temple Facts

  • The main deity worshipped in the temple is Bhadrakali.
  • The deity in the shrine is installed in the Rurujit method.
  • Saptamatrikas are also worshipped in the temple.
  • Shiva is also prominently worshipped in the temple. 
  • Shiva faces east and Bhadrakali faces north.
  • Devotees are not allowed entry from the north.
  • Women do not enter the shrine from east.
  • The main entry to the shrine is from south.
  • The shrine of Shiva is located in front of the Bhadrakali shrine and therefore the Kali shrine is not visible from the outside.
  • It is believed that a Chetti who used to cure all types of poison brought the Goddess in a sword. The first name of the temple was Visharikavu (visham means poison). The temple later on got the name Pisharikavu.

Kollam Koyilandy Pisharikavu Temple Kaliyattam Festival Facts

Kollam Koyilandy Pisharikavu Temple Kaliyattam Festival

Thottam ritual begins on Karkidakam 1 in the temple.