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Cherpulassery Puthanalkkal Bhagavathy Temple - Pooram Kalavela Festival - History - Pujas

Cherpulassery Puthanalkkal Bhagavathy Temple is located at Cherpulassery near Ottapalam in Kerala.  Various rituals are held here on the day. The annual Puthanalkkal Pooram festival is held in Makaram month (mostly on Feb 11). The Kalavela festival is held the next day - (mostly on Feb 12).

The Sankalpam of Bhagavathy in the temple is that of Thirumandham Kunnil Amma. 

History Of  Puthanalkkal Bhagavathy Temple Pooram Kalavela Festival

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Kodiyettam and Kothu Purappadu associated the annual festival begins on the first day of Makaram month.

The pooram festival is famous for caparisoned elephants, melam, panchavadyam, procession, display of traditional temple art forms.

The Thalappoli festival is held on the day after Kalavela festival (mostly on February 13).

The temple is famous for Tholpavakoothu and it is observed during the period.

The annual Makara Chowa is an important and auspicious date in the temple. Makara Chowa is observed on the first Tuesday of Makaram month as per traditional Hindu calendar followed in Kerala.

The flag lowering or kodiyerrakkam is held on Kumbha 8 which falls on February 20.

Pujas Performed In Puthanalkkal Bhagavathy Temple

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The shrine also observes Vishu, laksharchana and prathishta dinam in June, Ramayana Masam, Aanayoottu in August, Niraputhari in August, Onam, Navratri and Vijayadashami, Mandala masam and Thrikarthika.

Mandala Thalappoli is held on December 26 or December 27 on the Mandala Pooja day.