Book – English Translation of Brahmasutras – Adi Shankaracharya’s Commentary on the Chatuhsutri of Brahmasutra
Sri Veda Vyasa’s Brahmasutra is one of the principal texts
of Advaita Vedanta that strings together the major thoughts presented in the
Upanishads. Sri Shankarachrya’s detailed commentary is invaluable for
understanding it.
This particular book on the Brahmasutras is published by Chinmaya International Foundation, Academia of Sanskrit Research and Indology.
This particular book on the Brahmasutras is published by Chinmaya International Foundation, Academia of Sanskrit Research and Indology.
Highlights of the book:
Detailed, analytical and lucid commentary in English
Access to the profound teachings of Sri Shankaracharya on
the Brahmasutra Catuhsutri
Copious citations from 10-sub commentaries on the Shankara bhashya
Variant readings of the orginal compiled from 16 texts.
There is a pre-publication offer on the book till November
21, 2015.
To get more details
Phone - +91-484-2749685