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We must have pure food for the eye, the ear, the organs of touch and smell

Through purity of food comes purity of mind, through purity of mind comes a steady memory of Truth, and when one gets this memory one becomes free from all knots of the heart. (Chandogya Upanishad)

In the above passage the word ‘food’ means everything that comes in contact with the senses. We must have pure food for the eye, the ear, the organs of touch, smell, etc. Taking pure physical food for the stomach without purifying all other foods taken in by the senses is of no use.
Let us now try to understand the meaning of the word Ahara, food. The word Ahara means what we take in. Does it mean only food? Pure Sattvic food? Pure vegetarian food? How far does this help? It helps a little; but unless you know how to purify the mind, nothing much happens. There are plenty of wicked people who are vegetarians. What type of vegetarians are they? Lord bless them! If you feed a poisonous snake with pure milk, it will only manufacture poison.

So it is not enough to fill our bellies with pure food; our poisonous nature is to be discarded. Therefore Samkara observes while commenting on the above passage:

Ahara is that which is taken in, viz., the experience of sound, etc., which are taken in for the experience of the agent; and when this cognition of objects is purified, i.e., when the cognition of objects becomes free from all taint of aversion, attachment or delusion—then of one having such cognition, the inner nature becomes pure.

SourceMeditation and Spiritual Life by Swami Yatiswarananda, Advaita Ashrama, pp.172

On the same topic

In our daily lives, we often focus on the purity of the food we consume, ensuring it is free from contaminants and rich in nutrients. Similarly, it is essential to provide pure and enriching experiences for our senses—the eye, the ear, the organs of touch, and smell. Just as our bodies thrive on wholesome nourishment, our senses flourish when exposed to clean, beautiful, and positive stimuli.

For the Eye

Visual purity involves surrounding ourselves with beauty and clarity. This could mean spending time in nature, enjoying art, or maintaining a clean and organized living space. Exposure to natural light, vibrant colors, and harmonious designs can uplift our spirits and foster a sense of peace and well-being. Avoiding visual pollution, such as excessive screen time or chaotic environments, helps maintain our mental clarity and emotional stability.

For the Ear

Auditory purity is about listening to sounds that soothe, inspire, and heal. Music, the gentle rustle of leaves, the sound of a loved one's voice, or the quietude of a tranquil setting can provide immense pleasure and relaxation. Conversely, constant exposure to noise pollution, harsh or aggressive sounds, and overstimulation can lead to stress and discomfort. Curating a soundscape that nurtures our ears contributes to our overall harmony.

For the Organs of Touch

The sense of touch is integral to our physical and emotional well-being. Pure tactile experiences involve engaging with textures and sensations that comfort and rejuvenate. This could be the softness of a blanket, the warmth of a hug, or the coolness of a breeze on our skin. Ensuring we have regular, pleasant tactile interactions helps us feel grounded and connected. Avoiding harsh or abrasive sensations preserves our sense of physical security and comfort.

For the Sense of Smell

Olfactory purity involves breathing in scents that refresh and invigorate. Aromas from nature, such as flowers, fresh rain, or the scent of the ocean, can evoke powerful positive emotions and memories. On the contrary, unpleasant or polluted smells can cause discomfort and stress. Maintaining a fragrant, clean environment with natural scents can enhance our mood and mental clarity.

y prioritizing pure experiences for all our senses, we cultivate a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. Just as we are mindful of the food we eat, we should be equally attentive to the sensory inputs we allow into our lives. This holistic approach to sensory purity not only nurtures our physical health but also supports our mental and emotional well-being, leading to a more harmonious existence.