Each nakshatra or birth star has a temple dedicated to it.
Thus Mirugasirisham, the fifth star among 27 nakshatra, has a temple dedicated
to it. This concept is popular especially in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka and Telangana.
Mrigaseersham star temple in Tamil Nadu is the Sri Aadi Narayana Perumal Temple located
at Enkan in Thiruvarur in Tamil Nadu. The temple is dedicated to Bhagavan
Mirugaseerisham birth star born people can offer prayers here
to solve problems in their horoscope.
The nakshatra born people can also offer prayers here for peace, prosperity, wealth and good education.
The nakshatra born people can also offer prayers here for peace, prosperity, wealth and good education.
Those Mirugasirisham Nakshatram born people having trouble in
find suitable alliance and also facing other matrimonial problems get relief
after offering prayers here.
Married people facing problems get respite after doing
prayers in the Enkan Vishnu Temple.