Sharanye trayambake gauri, Narayani namostute ||
The verse "Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike" is a popular Sanskrit shloka from Hindu devotional literature, often recited in praise of the goddess Durga. Each word in this verse is rich in symbolism and meaning:
Sarva Mangala Mangalye:
- Sarva: All, every
- Mangala: Auspiciousness, welfare
- Mangalye: One who embodies auspiciousness
Together, this phrase means "the one who is the auspiciousness in all that is auspicious". It symbolizes the goddess as the ultimate source of all good and positive things in the universe. She is the epitome of well-being and prosperity.
- Shiva in this context is the feminine form of "Shiva", meaning "the auspicious one".
This indicates that the goddess herself is an embodiment of auspiciousness and welfare. It underscores her divine nature and her role as a beneficent force in the cosmos.
Sarvartha Sadhike:
- Sarva: All
- Artha: Purposes, meanings, or goals
- Sadhike: One who accomplishes or fulfills
This phrase means "the one who fulfills all purposes and goals". It symbolizes the goddess's ability to grant all desires and fulfill the needs and aspirations of her devotees. She is seen as a divine power that can achieve anything and everything.
Taken together, "Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike" venerates the goddess as the supreme source of all auspiciousness and the fulfiller of all desires. It is a recognition of her omnipotent and benevolent nature, portraying her as a universal mother who provides protection, prosperity, and well-being to all her devotees. The shloka encapsulates the essence of divine femininity in Hinduism, emphasizing the goddess's role in maintaining the balance and harmony of the universe.