Below is a prayer to control anger. Mantra can be chanted by
those who are having trouble in controlling the temple. The mantra should be
chanted whenever you feel you are losing your templer. The number of times it
is chanted can be decided by the person. During the chanting your mind should
not wander around.
Along with chanting the mantra, daily before going to sleep
you should read a simple translation of Bhagavad Gita. Just a single verse or a
chapter or any number of verses.
The best mantra to control anger
Om Namah Shivaya.
Apart from this, you should also try to analyze your anger.
Try to look into the situation. Try to find out the exact reason why you are
getting angry – is it desire not being fulfilled or your ego is hurt. When you
try to think about your anger, you will see it disappearing slowly. You should
also try to see the status of the person on whom you are getting angry – would you
have got angry in the same situation had the person been more strong or
powerful. Are you getting angry just because the person is weak? Try to think
in so many ways and analyze your anger.