Brahma is one among the Trimurtis
in Hinduism. He performs the role of creation during the beginning of a cycle
of creation. Many readers of the blog wanted to know who is the wife of Brahma.
Goddess Saraswati is generally accepted as Brahma’s wife.
However, it must be noted here that
Goddess Saraswati took the manifestation of Goddess Savitri to be the divine
consort of Brahma.
But Goddess Savitri did not make it
at the appointed time of a yajna and therefore Brahma took milkmaid. He passed
her through the body of a cow and transformed her into Goddess Gayatri.
As per scriptures, Goddess Savitri
later merged with Goddess Gayatri.
Depending on the scripture, you
will come across the names Saraswati, Savitri and Gayatri as wife of Brahma.