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Eknath Easwaran Thoughts on Patience - Hindu Perspective On Patience

A collection of quotes on patience by Eknath Easwaran.

Patience is the real badge of courage; it is equally the mark of love.

If you want to excel in anything, master any skill, patience is an asset.

What use is money if we live in exasperation with those we love, if we cannot stand to live with our own family?

We seldom realize what power there is in patience. All the energy consumed in exploding against others, in retaliating, in unkind words, in the anger that brings grief to others and ulcers to ourselves – all that energy can be harnessed as positive, creative power, simply by learning patience.


In the pursuit of excellence and mastery of any skill, patience is not merely beneficial but an essential asset according to the Hindu perspective. Patience, revered as a virtue in Hindu philosophy, is regarded as a crucial element in achieving proficiency and excellence. It is seen as a quality that allows one to endure challenges, setbacks, and the inevitable delays that accompany any worthwhile endeavor. By cultivating patience, individuals can maintain focus, persevere through difficulties, and ultimately achieve mastery in their chosen pursuits. This perspective emphasizes the importance of a calm and steady approach, which enables one to navigate the complexities of learning and growth with resilience and determination. Thus, in the Hindu worldview, patience is not just a virtue but a guiding principle in the journey towards realizing one's full potential and achieving lasting success.


Hindu Perspective On Patience

Hindu philosophy, patience (kshama) is regarded as a profound virtue, often equated with courage and love. This perspective is deeply rooted in the teachings of Hindu scriptures and practices, reflecting the values and principles that guide ethical and spiritual living.

Patience as Courage

In the Hindu context, courage is not merely the ability to face physical challenges or dangers; it is also the strength to endure difficulties and hardships with equanimity. Patience embodies this inner strength. It requires immense self-control and resilience to remain calm and composed in the face of adversity. This form of courage is celebrated in many Hindu texts:

  1. Bhagavad Gita: Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to remain steadfast in the face of challenges, highlighting the importance of patience and perseverance as forms of true bravery.
  2. Ramayana: Lord Rama's patience during his 14-year exile exemplifies the courage to endure suffering without losing hope or dignity.

Patience as Love

In Hinduism, love (prema) is a selfless, unconditional feeling that goes beyond mere affection. Patience is a crucial component of this love, as it reflects understanding, tolerance, and compassion. True love is marked by the willingness to wait, to forgive, and to accept others despite their flaws and shortcomings.

  1. Mahabharata: The love between the Pandavas and Draupadi is marked by patience and understanding, illustrating how patience nurtures and sustains deep relationships.
  2. Bhakti Movement: Saints like Mirabai and Kabir emphasized patience in their devotion to God, showing that love for the divine requires enduring faith and unwavering patience.

Practical Implications

In daily life, practicing patience as a form of courage and love can transform relationships and personal growth. It involves:

  • In Relationships: Patience helps in understanding and empathizing with others, fostering harmony and reducing conflicts.
  • In Spiritual Practice: Patience is essential for meditation and spiritual growth, as it allows individuals to persist in their practice despite challenges and distractions.
  • In Personal Development: Cultivating patience leads to emotional stability and inner peace, enabling one to navigate life's ups and downs with grace.

From a Hindu perspective, patience is indeed the real badge of courage and the mark of love. It signifies an inner strength that transcends physical bravery and a depth of love that is unconditional and enduring. Embracing patience enriches both the spiritual and practical aspects of life, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence.