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Dhavir Dev Palkhi Kokban near Roha

Dhavir Dev Palkhi is organized in Ashwin month. It is an important fair and festival at Dhavir Dev Temple at Kokban near Roha in Maharashtra. The annual ritual attracts hundreds of devotees. Dhavir Dev Palkhi 2025 date is October 3.

Dhavir Devi is a popular rural deity in certain regions of Maharashtra. He is a village deity and also a family deity. People from nearby towns and villages arrive to witness the Palki. A small fair is held during the period.

Dhavir Dev Palkhi is annually held on Ashwin Shukla Paksha Ekadasi Tithi or the eleventh day during the waxing phase of moon in Ashwin month as per traditional Hindu lunar calendar followed in Maharashtra.