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Balumama Punyatithi – Death Anniversary of Balumama at Adampur

Devavtari Sadguru Sant Shri Balumama Punyatithi is annually observed in Shravan month. It is the death anniversary of Balumama Maharaj. The saint has thousands of followers especially among the shepherd community in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The day is of great importance at Adampur in Maharashtra. Balumama Punyatithi 2025 date is August 13.

Balumama (1892 to 1966) was a shepherd by profession and he came into contact with the lower strata of society and helped them in attaining true knowledge. He spread the teachings like many Sants in the great Bhakti Tradition in the region.

He performed numerous miracles during his lifetime. It is said that the farmer’s field in which the sheep of Balumama used to graze was blessed with peace and prosperity.

A temple dedicated to Balumama is located at Adampur.

On the punyatithi, prayer meetings, satsangs, and charitable activities are held.

Balumama Punyatithi is annually observed on Shravan Krishna Paksha Chaturthi Tithi or the fourth day during the waning phase of moon in Shravan month as per traditional Hindu lunar calendar followed in Maharashtra.