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Lessons from Maitrayaniya Upanishad

A king named Brihadratha, having established his son as the king and considering this body as impermanent became dispassionate and went into the forest. There he performed severe austerities and stood with uplifted arms gazing at the sun. At the end of a thousand days, the honourable knower of Atman, Shakayanya, blazing like fre without smoke, came near the ascetic.

He said to Brihadratha, ‘Arise, arise, ask for a boon’.

Brihadratha saluted Shakayanya and said, ‘O Revered sage, I don’t know the Self. We have heard that you know the Self. Please tell us about the Self.’

Shakayanya replied, ‘Such things were discussed in the past. This question is very difficult to answer, O Aikshvaka, ask some other desired thing.’

Touching the feet of Shakayanya with his head, Brihadratha uttered these words.

O Revered sage, in this foul-smelling, inconsequential body, which is a mass of bones, skin, muscle, marrow, flesh, semen, blood, mucus, tears, rheum, feces, urine, wind, bile, and phlegm, what is the point of enjoying desires?

In this body afflicted with desire, anger, greed, delusion, fear, despondency, envy, separation from the desired, union with the un-desired, hunger, thirst, old age, death, disease, sorrow, and the like, what is the point of enjoying desires?
Maitrayaniya Upanishad