Matching stars for Vishakam Nakshatram born girl as per
Kerala/Malayalam jyothisham is given below. It must be noted that the matching
star is for female born in Vishakam Nakshatram only. It is not for male born in
the star. Vishakam first ¾ quarter is in Tula Rashi and the last quarter of
Vishakam is in Vrischika Rashi.
Matching Star for Vishakam Nakshatra female born in first ¾
quarter of the nakshatram:
Ashwathy, Kartika, Rohini, Makayiram, Thiruvathira, Punirtham, Makam, Uthram last three quarter, Atham,
Chithira, Chothi, Vishakam first three quarter, and Moolam – born boys are good
for Vishakam Nakshatra girl born in first ¾ quarter
Matching Star for Vishakam Nakshatra female born in last ¼
quarter of the nakshatram: