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Ayyappa Prayers And Songs in Malayalam in pdf – Download - Reason For Popularity Of Ayyappa Worship In Kerala

Lord Ayyappa is one of the most popular deities in South India. His shrine at Sabarimala in Kerala attracts millions of devotees. Here are Ayyappa prayers and songs in Malayalam in pdf format. The Malayalam text is courtesy Sri Siva Vishnu Temple.

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Reason For Popularity Of Ayyappa Worship In Kerala

The worship of Lord Ayyappa is immensely popular in Kerala for several reasons, blending religious, cultural, historical, and social factors:

Historical Significance:

The temple at Sabarimala, dedicated to Lord Ayyappa, has a long and storied history. Believed to have been established centuries ago, it is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in India. The history and legends surrounding Ayyappa, who is considered to be the son of Lord Shiva and Mohini (the female form of Lord Vishnu), play a crucial role in its significance. All legends and stories associated with Ayyappa is believed to have taken place in present day Kerala.

Cultural Integration:

Ayyappa worship is deeply integrated into the cultural fabric of Kerala. The pilgrimage to Sabarimala (known as the Sabarimala Yatra) is a major event in the cultural calendar, attracting millions of devotees from all over India and abroad, transcending caste, creed, and religion.

Rituals and Practices:

The rituals associated with Ayyappa worship, particularly the 41-day vratham (a period of austerity and penance), and the pilgrimage through dense forests to reach the Sabarimala shrine, are seen as spiritually purifying and transformative experiences. These practices foster a strong sense of community and shared spiritual purpose among the devotees.

Message of Equality and Brotherhood:

Ayyappa worship emphasizes equality and brotherhood. During the pilgrimage, devotees wear simple black or blue clothing, symbolizing renunciation of materialism and social status. This message of equality and unity is a powerful draw for many people.

Legends and Miracles:

Numerous legends and miraculous stories associated with Lord Ayyappa and the Sabarimala temple contribute to its mystique and appeal. Tales of divine intervention and blessings received by devotees add to the fervor and faith.

Promotion and Support by Royalty:

Historically, the royal families of Kerala, particularly the Pandalam royal family, have played a significant role in promoting and supporting the worship of Lord Ayyappa. Their patronage helped establish and maintain the temple and its associated traditions.

Geographical Appeal:

The Sabarimala temple is located in the Western Ghats, amidst beautiful and serene natural surroundings. The challenging journey through forests to reach the temple adds an element of adventure and deepens the spiritual experience for the pilgrims.

Socio-Economic Factors:

The pilgrimage has a significant socio-economic impact on the region, with numerous businesses and services catering to the needs of the pilgrims. This economic dimension helps sustain and promote the tradition.


Despite certain traditional restrictions (like the prohibition on women of menstruating age from entering the temple, which has been a subject of legal and social debate), Ayyappa worship is generally seen as inclusive. It attracts a diverse range of devotees from different backgrounds.

Media and Communication:

In recent times, media and communication technologies have played a role in spreading awareness and information about Ayyappa worship and the Sabarimala pilgrimage, further enhancing its popularity.

These factors combined make Ayyappa worship not only a religious practice but also a significant cultural and social phenomenon in Kerala.