Markandeya Rishi Jayanthi is annually observed in Magh month as per traditional Hindu calendar. The jayanti festival is the birth anniversary of Sage Markandeya. Markandeya Jayanti 2025 date is February 1.
Sage Markandeya was the son of Sage Bhrigu and Lord Shiva had rescued him from the clutches of death at the age of 16. Shiva also gave Sage Markandeya the boon that he will always remain as a 16 year old.
It is believed that prayers and puja dedicated to Mahadev Shiva and Markandeya Rishi will help in overcoming fear of death. Prayers on the day help in mitigating pain and also helps in finding early cure to serious diseases.
Devotees and followers of Sage Markandeya organize special pujas on the day.
Markandeya Jayanthi is annually observed on Magh Shukla Paksha Tritiya Tithi or the third day during the waxing phase of moon in Magh month as per traditional Hindu lunar calendar.
Story of Sage Markandeya and Yoga Nidra of Vishnu