Kumaras are great teachers who are frequently mentioned in
Hindu scriptures. They are known as the mind born sons of Brahma. The kumaras
are Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat Kumara. They attained the highest spiritual
knowledge and so they were eternally five year olds.
Kumaras are the greatest gyanis, yogis and bhaktas. They
lead a life of renunciation. They can travel anywhere by merely wishing. They
arrive on earth to give lessons in dharma to human beings. Immersed in Brahman
they keep on chanting the names of Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu
Though looking life five year olds; You are the eldest of
the eldest, the great grand ancestors of the great grand ancestors. Vaikunta,
the highest Heaven, the spiritual realm, your abode. Recitation of the glories
of the Lord is Your only food. (Sage Narada about Kumaras in the Padma Purana).
The five year old symbolically means that the sages are
innocent and pure without any ego.
It is believed that they had once cursed Jaya and Vijaya the
door keepers of Vaikunta who were then born as demons on earth; Vishnu then took different avatars to annihilate them and give them moksha.