One of the important flowers offered to Goddess Kali is the
Red Shoe Flower. There is an interesting story which answers why red shoe
flower is offered to Goddess Kali.
Legend has it that Devi took the ferocious form of Goddess
Kali to annihilate demons Raktabeeja. Jasun was an ardent devotee of Mother
Goddess Shakti. He was impressed with the Kali form of Mother Goddess. He
offered red flowers before the eyes of the Goddess. He wanted to make the
Goddess look even more ferocious with deep red eyes.
Goddess Kali was pleased with red color flower offerings.
She gave the boon that the red shoe flower will be one of her favorite flowers
and those who offer it will have her blessings. From that day the flower was
known as Jathon, Japakusam and Deviphool.
After this incident devotees started offering Red Shoe
flower to Goddess Kali.