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Daksha Prajapati Temple at Banapur in Orissa – Dakshesvara Siva Temple

Daksha Prajapati Temple, also known as Dakshesvara Shiva Temple, is a 13th century AD temple at Banapur in Orissa. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is famous for its architecture. The temple is noted for its exquisite sculptors, Pidha temple and stepped well.

The main murti worshipped in the temple is Shiva. The subsidiary deities worshipped in the temple are Ganesha, Kartikeya, Goddess Parvati, Gaja Lakshmi, Chamunda, Hanuman, Agni, Indra, Yama, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, Isana and Nriti.

Beautiful sculptures of Gaja Vidala, female figures, devatas, dikapalas and other deities adorn the temple walls and pillars. The temple also has a very rare sculpture of Kamdev with his two consorts Rati and Priti.