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Teachings From Tamil Folklore Stories

A small but effective collection of teachings from Tamil folklore stories.

Only when both hands meet sound is produced - This philosophy suggest the idea that collaboration and cooperation are necessary to achieve meaningful outcomes. Just as both hands need to come together to produce sound, individuals or groups must work together in harmony to accomplish goals or create something significant. Another interpretation could emphasize the importance of balance and harmony in life. Just as both hands need to meet to produce sound, balance between different aspects of life or between opposing forces is necessary for fulfillment and success.

The danger that was aimed at the head luckily went off with the turban -  this tamil saying conveys a sense of relief and gratitude that despite being targeted by danger, the person managed to avoid serious harm due to some form of protection or fortunate circumstance. It underscores the importance of resilience, adaptability, and having safeguards in place to mitigate risks in life.

Even the king of Delhi is a child to his mother.

The dislike daughter-in-law can never please her in-laws. Whatever she may do will be faulty.

The other bank of the river looks green from the opposite bank.

One who sows millet will reap millet. One who sows evil will reap evil.

The baby crow is of golden hue to its mother. 


The phrase "The other bank of the river looks green from the opposite bank" is a metaphorical expression that suggests a perception of longing or desire for what one does not possess. In this metaphor, the "green" on the other side of the river represents something desirable or appealing, while the "opposite bank" represents our own current position or circumstances.

The essence of this metaphor lies in human nature's tendency to compare ourselves to others or to perceive what others have as better or more desirable than what we possess ourselves. It's a reflection of the phenomenon often referred to as "the grass is always greener on the other side," where we tend to believe that others have it better or easier than we do.

However, the underlying lesson of this phrase is that such perceptions are often deceptive. Just as the other bank of the river might appear greener from a distance, closer inspection may reveal that it has its own challenges or shortcomings. Similarly, while we may feel deficient or lacking compared to others, in reality, we likely have more than enough to lead fulfilling lives.

The sentence teaches the value of contentment by encouraging us to appreciate and be grateful for what we have rather than constantly yearning for what we lack. It reminds us that true contentment comes from finding satisfaction and joy in our present circumstances rather than constantly striving for something beyond our reach. By cultivating a mindset of contentment, we can find peace and happiness in the abundance that already exists in our lives.


The proverb "One who sows millet will reap millet. One who sows evil will reap evil" encapsulates the universal concept of cause and effect, often referred to as the law of karma or reaping what you sow. Let's explore this concept further:

Sowing Millet: When a farmer plants millet seeds, they can expect to harvest millet when the crop matures. This is a straightforward application of the principle of cause and effect in agriculture. Actions have consequences, and in this case, the action of planting millet seeds results in the effect of a millet crop.

Reaping Millet: Similarly, when it's time for the harvest, the farmer collects the mature millet crop. The quality and quantity of the harvest are directly related to the effort and care the farmer put into sowing and nurturing the crop. Good sowing practices often lead to a bountiful harvest.

Sowing Evil: On the flip side, if someone engages in malicious or harmful actions, they are metaphorically "sowing evil." This could include acts of deceit, cruelty, dishonesty, or any action that causes harm to others. Just as seeds produce plants of their own kind, negative actions lead to negative consequences.

Reaping Evil: Just as the farmer reaps a harvest consistent with what was sown, those who sow evil can expect to reap the fruits of their actions. The consequences may manifest as suffering, loss, damaged relationships, or a tarnished reputation. Evil deeds often have a way of boomeranging back to the person who initiated them.

Universal Law: This principle extends beyond literal farming or immediate consequences. It's a fundamental law of the universe that actions have repercussions. Whether positive or negative, our deeds shape our reality and influence the experiences we encounter. This concept is echoed in various spiritual and philosophical traditions around the world.

Reflection and Responsibility: Understanding this principle encourages reflection and mindfulness in our actions. It reminds us to consider the long-term consequences of our choices and to cultivate positive qualities such as kindness, compassion, and integrity. By sowing seeds of goodness, we create a more harmonious and fulfilling existence for ourselves and others.

In essence, the proverb serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of actions and their outcomes, emphasizing the importance of cultivating virtues and conducting ourselves in a manner that promotes well-being and harmony in the world.