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Book – Dancing with Shiva in pdf – Download the book – Dancing with Shiva – for free

Dancing with Shiva is a very popular book on Hinduism. It is written by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Now you can download the book in pdf for free. The book answers numerous questions like

What are life's ultimate goals?
How can I achieve them?
How do Hindus view family, sex, sin, worship, death and nonviolence?
What are the foremost schools of Hindu thought, and what do they teach?
How do all the great religions look at God, salvation, heaven and hell?
How did Hinduism evolve through history?
What do we teach to children? And many more…

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"Dancing with Shiva" is a profound exploration of Hinduism's multifaceted deity, Shiva, penned by the esteemed author David Frawley, also known as Vamadeva Shastri. Frawley, renowned for his expertise in Vedic sciences, embarks on a comprehensive journey through the rich tapestry of Shiva's symbolism, mythology, philosophy, and spiritual significance.

In the book, Frawley elucidates the various dimensions of Shiva, often depicted as the destroyer within the Hindu Trinity, alongside Brahma the creator and Vishnu the preserver. However, beyond this simplistic interpretation, Shiva embodies a complex and dynamic archetype that transcends mere destruction. Frawley delves deep into the symbolism surrounding Shiva, unveiling layers of meaning that reveal him not only as the destroyer of illusion (Maya) but also as the embodiment of transformation, regeneration, and ultimately, liberation.

Moreover, "Dancing with Shiva" explores the mythological narratives that surround Shiva, from his cosmic dance of creation and destruction, known as the Tandava, to his various incarnations and manifestations. Frawley skillfully interprets these myths, illustrating how they serve as profound allegories for the spiritual journey, offering insights into the nature of reality and the path to enlightenment.

Central to Frawley's exploration is the philosophy of Shaivism, which venerates Shiva as the supreme deity. Through Shaivite teachings, Frawley elucidates the concepts of Advaita (nondualism), Tantra, and Yoga, demonstrating how they intersect with the worship and devotion of Shiva. He elucidates the practical implications of these teachings, guiding readers on a transformative journey toward self-realization and union with the divine.

"Dancing with Shiva" is not merely a scholarly exposition; it is a guidebook for spiritual seekers, offering practical insights and practices for cultivating a deeper connection with Shiva and integrating his teachings into everyday life. Frawley's lucid prose and profound wisdom make this book an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to explore the depths of Hindu spirituality and the timeless wisdom of Shiva.