Teachings on Ahimsa by Swami Virajananda.
That Ahimsa (Non-injury) is the supreme virtue is no doubt true.
That Ahimsa (Non-injury) is the supreme virtue is no doubt true.
But merely professing it by word of mouth is worse than
useless; merely refraining from killing animals, as for example, not taking
fish or meat, is not Ahimsa. True non-injury can only be practiced when God is
seen in all beings, that is, when the Self is realized.
The very nature of living necessarily involves at every
moment, whether knowingly or unknowingly, destruction of or injury to the lives
of countless beings, visible and invisible.
The Yogis practise austerities by living upon milk, because
it is a purely Sattvic
food. But to obtain that milk the calf which has its
birthright to the whole of its mother’s milk, has to be deprived of a part of
its natural food. Is this not an act of injury or cruelty?
But the more one can live without consciously injuring or
harming others, so much the better. However, by the habitual practice of real
non-injury, one develops love for all beings, the little ego or selfishness
disappears, and no distinction is felt between friend and foe. Consequently the
heart is purified, and in the pure heart, God is fully reflected.
Swami Virajananda – a Monk of Sri Ramakrishna Order
Source - Towards the Goal Supreme, p.134-135