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Sanskrit Education in Benaras Hindu University and the University of Pune

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and the University of Pune are two the most important universities in India dedicated to Sanskrit Education. Banaras Hindu University is only university in India where both the traditional and modern systems of Sanskrit education exist. The Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit in the University of Pune is country’s oldest UGC centre of advanced study in Sanskrit. 
Hindustan Times reports
 The Faculty of Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vijnan (Faculty of SVDV) that grants the title of Shastri (equivalent to a BA), Acharya (equivalent to an MA) and Vidyavaridhi (equivalent to a PhD) is the traditional wing of Sanskrit Education in the Benares Hindu University Department of Sanskrit in the Faculty of Arts which grants the routine BA, MA and PhD degrees is the modern wing of this university.
 The Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit in the University of Pune also has a pronounced emphasis on a system of research that integrates the classical and contemporary aspects of the discipline.
 “Dictionary of domestic ritualistic terms and dictionary of Indian poetics are some of the latest research-based publications,” says Prof Bata Kishore Dalai, who teaches at the centre. He also stresses the need for a more committed pool of students in terms of improving the quality and quantity of research work.
  “Among other things, our endeavour is to achieve research outcomes that are relevant to the current times. And to do this, not just our centre but the entire country needs many more students who are genuinely passionate about Sanskrit,” Dalai adds.