Chakradhar Swami is the founder of Mahanubhav Panth. The
sect was founded during the medieval period in Maharashtra .
The five revered deities or personalities of the sect are known in Marathi as
Pancha Krishna – Sri Krishna, Dattatreya, Changa Deo Raul (Chakrapabi), Govinda
Prabhu (a saint of the sect) and Chkradhar. Information of Chakradhar Swami is
found in the Marathi Lal Charita, the life of the great saint recorded by his
Nothing concrete is known about the birth and origin of Chakradhar
Swami. It is believed that Mahanubhav Panth existed during the period of Chakradhar
Swami. He spread it far and wide and turned it into a mass movement.
Chakradhar Swami’s teaching in Marath was simple. He asked
people to shed materialistic achievements and pursuit of worldly happiness.
The sect was against worship using Murti. He asked people to
know the Real Truth and Be in Touch with That through love and devotion.
Mahanubhav Panth follows the Dwaita Philosophy – it preaches
that God and man are two separate identities.
Ridhpur in Amravati District in Maharashtra
is the most revered place of Mahanubhav Panth.