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Vishwabhuja Gauri – About Goddess Vishwa Bhuja Gouri

Vishwabhuja Gauri, a revered manifestation of Goddess Shakti, embodies the concept of cosmic power and maternal protection in Hindu mythology. The name "Vishwabhuja" stems from "Vishwa," meaning the world, and "Bhuja," signifying hands, symbolizing her omnipresence and omnipotence. Devotees hold her in high esteem, considering her as the nurturing mother who extends her supportive hands to all beings.

Legend has it that the encompassing hands of Vishwabhuja Gauri cradle the entire universe, bestowing blessings upon those who adhere to righteousness (Dharma). However, these same hands are said to wield justice against those who stray from righteousness and follow the path of Adharma.

In the sacred city of Varanasi, a temple dedicated to Vishwabhuja Gauri stands as a testament to her divine presence. Situated near the renowned Dharam Koop and the Vishalakshi Devi Temple, this sanctum serves as a focal point for devotees seeking solace and divine intervention.

Among the various festivals celebrated in honor of Vishwabhuja Gauri, Navaratri holds significant importance. Navaratri, typically observed in September to October, is a nine-night festival dedicated to worshiping the divine feminine in her various forms, including Vishwabhuja Gauri. During this auspicious period, devotees fervently offer prayers, perform rituals, and seek the benevolence of the goddess for prosperity, protection, and spiritual upliftment.