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Ten Environmental Teachings in Hinduism

Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and several scriptures in Hinduism contain important environmental teachings. Pankaj Jain writes about the important ten environmental teachings in Hinduism in an article published in the Huffington Post.

The first five teachings are very important and form the core of Hindu Religion. The rest of the five are products of the first five.

The ten environmental teachings are:
  1. Pancha Mahabhutas (The five great elements) create a web of life that is shown forth in the structure and interconnectedness of the cosmos and the human body.
  2. Ishavasyam -- Divinity is omnipresent and takes infinite forms.
  3. Protecting the environment is part of Dharma.
  4. Our environmental actions affect our karma.
  5. The earth -- Devi -- is a goddess and our mother and deserves our devotion and protection.
  6. Hinduism's tantric and yogic traditions affirm the sacredness of material reality and contain teachings and practices to unite people with divine energy.
  7. Belief in reincarnation supports a sense of interconnectedness of all creation.
  8. Non-violence -- ahimsa -- is the greatest dharma.
  9. Sanyasa (asceticism) represents a path to liberation and is good for the earth.
  10. Gandhi is a role model for simple living.