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On Mind – Teachings form Hindu Scriptures and Teachers

Teachings from Hindu Scriptures and Teachers on Mind

The mind alone is the cause of bondage and freedom. When associated with sense objects it leads to bondage; when dissociated from them it leads to liberation.
(Amritabindu Upanishad)

The turbulent senses violently carry away the mind of even a wise man striving for perfection. (Bhagavad Gita, 2.60)

We should put our minds on things; they should not draw our minds to them. We
are usually forced to concentrate. Our minds are forced to become fixed upon different things by an attraction in them which we cannot resist. To control the mind, to place it just where we want it, requires special training. It cannot be done in any other way. (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, 6.39)

The natural tendency of the mind is to run this way or that. Through japa it is directed to God. (Holy Mother Sarada Devi)

Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say, ‘I am a free soul. I am a son of God! Who can bind me?’ free you shall be. (Sri Ramakrishna)

30 Teachings From Hindu Scriptures And Teachers On The Mind

Hindu scriptures and teachers offer profound insights into the nature of the mind and its management. Here are 30 teachings from Hindu scriptures and teachers on the mind:

Control of the Mind: The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the importance of controlling the mind, stating that the mind can be one's best friend or worst enemy.

Mindfulness (Smriti): The practice of mindfulness, or smriti, is highlighted in various Hindu texts as a means to control the mind and achieve inner peace.

Detachment (Vairagya): Hindu scriptures teach the value of detachment from material desires, as attachment leads to suffering and unrest in the mind.

Equanimity (Sama): Maintaining equanimity, or sama, in all situations is advocated as a way to keep the mind steady amidst life's ups and downs.

Self-observation (Sakshi Bhava): Observing the mind as a witness, without getting entangled in its fluctuations, is a key practice recommended in Hindu philosophy.

Concentration (Dharana): Concentration techniques, known as dharana, are taught to focus the mind and prevent it from wandering.

Discipline (Sadhana): Regular spiritual practices, or sadhana, are prescribed to discipline the mind and cultivate positive qualities.

Calmness (Shama): Cultivating inner calmness, or shama, is essential for maintaining mental peace and clarity.

Positive Thinking: Hindu scriptures emphasize the power of positive thinking to uplift the mind and attract favorable outcomes.

Gratitude (Krutagnata): Practicing gratitude helps to shift the focus of the mind from lack to abundance, fostering contentment and joy.

Service (Seva): Engaging in selfless service, or seva, is considered a powerful tool for purifying the mind and expanding one's consciousness.

Compassion (Karuna): Cultivating compassion towards oneself and others promotes mental well-being and fosters harmony in relationships.

Forgiveness (Kshama): Letting go of resentment through forgiveness, or kshama, liberates the mind from the burden of past grievances.

Faith (Shraddha): Developing faith in a higher power or spiritual path strengthens the mind and provides solace during challenging times.

Contentment (Santosha): Being content with what one has, without craving for more, leads to inner fulfillment and peace of mind.

Introspection (Vichara): Reflecting on one's thoughts and actions, or vichara, facilitates self-awareness and personal growth.

Non-Attachment (Anasakti): Practicing non-attachment to the fruits of actions frees the mind from anxiety and expectations.

Mindful Speech (Vak): Being mindful of one's speech, ensuring it is truthful, kind, and beneficial, contributes to mental clarity and harmony.

Self-Control (Indriya Nigraha): Exercising restraint over the senses, or indriya nigraha, prevents the mind from being swayed by external stimuli.

Study of Scriptures (Svadhyaya): Regular study of sacred texts, or svadhyaya, provides guidance and inspiration for the mind's upliftment.

Prayer (Prarthana): Offering prayers with sincerity and devotion connects the mind to the divine, fostering inner peace and strength.

Meditation (Dhyana): Meditation practices, or dhyana, quieten the mind, leading to deeper states of awareness and spiritual realization.

Humility (Vinaya): Cultivating humility prevents the mind from becoming egoistic and fosters openness to learning and growth.

Acceptance (Samarpana): Surrendering to the divine will, or samarpana, helps the mind to accept life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Steadfastness (Dhriti): Developing mental fortitude, or dhriti, enables one to face difficulties with courage and determination.

Integrity (Satya): Upholding truthfulness in thoughts, words, and actions promotes inner integrity and clarity of mind.

Balance (Sama Yoga): Balancing worldly responsibilities with spiritual pursuits, or sama yoga, leads to holistic well-being of the mind.

Awareness of Impermanence (Anitya): Reflecting on the transient nature of life cultivates detachment and wisdom in the mind.

Seeking Guidance (Guru Bhakti): Reverence and surrender to the spiritual teacher, or guru bhakti, lead to spiritual progress and purification of the mind.

Union with the Divine (Yoga): Ultimately, the goal of the mind is to attain union with the divine, experiencing eternal bliss and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

These teachings from Hindu scriptures and teachers offer valuable insights into understanding and mastering the mind for spiritual growth and inner peace.