Newly married couples are advised to stay apart in Aadi
Month in Tamil Nadu. The wife goes to her home. Poor husband remains baffled. This
is something most newly married couples can’t digest. There is science this
ancient tradition but it is irrelevant now. If a woman conceives in the month of
Aadi she would normally deliver the baby in the Chithirai Month (April – May).
This is the speak summer season in Tamil Nadu.
The labor and delivery will be both painful for mother and
the new born baby. Also it was difficult to control blood flow during summer
season. Hospitals and good treatment was rare then. So for the safety of the
new mother and baby, newly married couples were asked to stay apart.
With scientific developments, modern day comforts and
hospitals, this practice is irrelevant.
As part of the tradition, the husband is invited on the 18th
day of the month known as Aadi Perukku and is given a sumptuous feast and
If you are one of those unlucky couple, try convincing your
elders. If not possible think you both are unmarried lovers and elope.