Can I Buy
Land or Property in Aadi
Masam? There is a widespread belief that buying land or house or flat or
property is bad in Tamil Aadi Month. It is common in Tamil Nadu not to buy land
or flat during Aadi (July 17 to August 16). Nobody knows why it is bad? No one
knows why one should not buy property or land in the month.
Aadi is just like any other month. Investments on land or
flat or house should be done after carefully considering all factors. A
particular month has nothing to do with it. Hindu scriptures do not state that
a particular period is bad or good. So such beliefs have no scriptural support.
Why do people believe
that one should not buy property in Aadi Masam?
Dakshinayana begins in Aadi month – Sun changes
direction from north to south in the Aadi month. So some people believe it
is inauspicious. The night time of Devas begins with Dakshinayana. So the
belief that auspicious events held in the month won't get the blessing of Gods.
Can I Buy House or Land or Property in Aadi Masam?
If you are a person who firmly believes in fate, luck and
astrology then you should follow your path. Do not invest. This is because you
buy a property and if something goes wrong you yourself and others will start
blaming you for buying in Aadi month. Aadi will be an excuse for you. Although you very well know that you made the blunders.
But if you have conviction in your decisions go ahead and
buy flat or house in Aadi month after collecting all information on property
and talking with experts. Good opportunity to invest should not be lost.
Hindu Blog view
Astrology should not be your guide in buying property - you
should take the decision independently after looking into all
factors. You should consult experts. Collect information on property. Talk to
people in the area. Offer prayers to Ganesha and go ahead and do what is right
for you.
People talk about failed investments in Aadi
month. But conveniently ignore the failed investments made during the
auspicious days and months – most of these investments are made in haste. At
least in Aadi month people will consider all factors before making an