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Inside Pictures of Kedarnath Temple after June 2013 Flash Flood

Indian Express has published the inside pictures of Kedarnath Temple after flash flood and torrential rain in June 2013. There is destruction all around. The sanctum sanctorum of the temple is covered with slit. Only the top portion of the main Shivling worshipped in temple is visible.

The main murti in the form of Shivling is visible due to the Bilva leaves that were offered on it before the flash flood.

The entrance area of the temple which has the golden hue Nandi is filled with slit and belongings of people.

You can view the pictures here in the slide show by Indian Express

How To Survive Kedarnath Pilgrimage During Flash Flood Or Cloudburst?

The Kedarnath pilgrimage can indeed be challenging, particularly during times of flash floods or cloudbursts. Here are some tips to help you survive such situations:

Stay Informed: Before embarking on the pilgrimage, stay updated with weather forecasts and any warnings issued by local authorities. If there are predictions of heavy rainfall or adverse weather conditions, it might be wise to postpone your journey.

Plan Ahead: Have a detailed itinerary and plan your journey in advance. Ensure that you know the emergency evacuation routes and have identified safe shelters along the way.

Travel Light: Carry only essential items with you to minimize your load. This will make it easier to move swiftly in case of an emergency.

Stay Together: If you're traveling in a group, make sure to stay together at all times. This ensures that no one gets left behind or lost during an emergency.

Stay on Higher Ground: During heavy rainfall, avoid low-lying areas and streams. Move to higher ground where there's less risk of being swept away by flash floods.

Seek Shelter: If you find yourself caught in a cloudburst or flash flood, seek shelter immediately. Look for sturdy buildings, elevated platforms, or natural high grounds where you can take refuge until the danger passes.

Avoid Bridges and Riverbanks: Stay away from bridges and riverbanks during heavy rain as these areas are prone to flooding. Crossing swollen rivers or streams can be extremely dangerous.

Stay Calm: In case of an emergency, it's essential to stay calm and composed. Panic can cloud your judgment and hinder your ability to make rational decisions.

Carry Emergency Supplies: Always carry essential emergency supplies such as food, water, first aid kit, flashlight, and a fully charged mobile phone with emergency contacts saved.

Follow Local Authorities’ Instructions: During emergencies, follow the instructions given by local authorities or guides. They have the experience and knowledge to navigate through such situations safely.

Remember, your safety should always be your top priority. If conditions become too severe, don't hesitate to seek help or evacuate the area if advised to do so by authorities.