Siddhivinayak Temple Trust in Mumbai has decided to set up a
dialysis centre near the Prabhadevi temple to help dialysis patients. The
current rate of a single dialysis in Mumbai ranges from 1200 rupees to 1500
rupees. Siddhivinayak
Temple is planning to do
the dialysis for 250 rupees.
DNA reports
The temple has tied up with an NGO, Shri Veera Desai Jain Sangh, which runs a similar dialysis centre in Andheri, to get its 22-bed centre put together.
The NGO, which has a budget of Rs3 crore, will also appoint the health experts needed to run the centre.
“We will charge patients the minimum fee. The rest of the expenses will be borne by the temple and us,” explains Chetan Vora, trustee of the NGO. The Sangh and the temple administration have signed a memorandum of understanding to have the centre up and running by July.