Information regarding Salmali Island
(Shalmali Dvipa) is found in the Vishnu Purana. It is one among the important
seven islands (dvipa). This is a huge island and is surrounded on four sides by
sugarcane juice. (Some texts claim that the island is surrounded by sura
There are seven mountains in the Salmali Island .
They provide shelter to various living beings including human beings. The seven
mountains separate the island into seven regions and they contain rare trees,
creepers, plants, flowers and herbs. It is also said that the mountains have
huge deposits of precious stones.
There are seven holy rivers in the Salmali Dvipa – Yoni,
Toya, Vitrna, Chandra, Mukta, Vimochani and Nirvrti. It is said that merely
remembering the name of the rivers will give redemption from sins.
The people in the island worship Vishnu in the form of Vayu
(wind god).
The island takes the name from a tree which grows here known
as Salmali. It is said that the tree provides comfort to the mind.