The concept of Lord Shiva in Hinduism is deeply symbolic and
multifaceted. In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is often described as being beyond
conventional human attributes such as gender, birth, and death. This is
reflected in the idea that Shiva transcends traditional concepts of parenthood.
The question of who is the mother of Lord Shiva often arises
due to the human tendency to anthropomorphize divine entities, projecting onto
them characteristics and relationships that are more familiar to us. However,
within Hindu philosophy, Shiva is considered the Supreme Reality, the ultimate
source and essence of all existence. As such, Shiva is beyond the limitations
of familial relationships and earthly ties.
The imagery of Ardhanarishwara, depicting Shiva as half-male
and half-female, symbolizes the union of opposites and the integration of all
dualities within the ultimate reality. It represents the idea that the entire
universe is a manifestation of Shiva's divine essence, encompassing both
masculine and feminine aspects.
Therefore, while the question of Shiva's parentage may arise
in a quiz or casual conversation, the deeper understanding of Shiva's nature
lies in recognizing that Shiva transcends such human constructs and exists as
the eternal truth beyond all dualities.