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Vasistha Gita Quotes

A collection of quotes from Vasistha Gita.

The great remedy for the long-lasting disease of samsara is the enquiry ‘who am I? To whom does the samsara belong’ which entirely cures it.

The company of sages converts emptiness into fullness, death into immortality, and adversity into prosperity.

All the arts acquired by men are lost by lack of practice. But the art of wisdom grows steadily once it rises.

He who, not knowing his own self, takes pleasure in sense objects, is indeed an unfortunate person. He is like one who realizes very late that the food earlier eaten by him was poisonous.

In the view of the ignorant, the world is perceived as real; but in the view of the wise, it is seen as Brahman. In truth, there is neither creation nor destruction, neither bondage nor liberation; it is all the sport of Consciousness.

When one realizes that the infinite consciousness alone exists, that everything else is illusion, then one is established in the knowledge of Brahman.

The self is not the doer, nor is it the enjoyer. It is untouched by pleasure and pain, and is ever free. Knowing this, one attains peace.

The universe is like a dream, appearing to be real as long as one is asleep. But upon awakening, one realizes that it was all a play of the mind.

The wise man sees the self in all beings and all beings in the self. For him, there is no difference between friend and foe, pleasure and pain.

Desire is the cause of bondage. Renunciation of desire is the path to liberation. When desire is completely extinguished, one abides in the eternal peace of the self.