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Rudra Gita Quotes

A collection of quotes from Rudra Gita

Thy (God Vishnu’s) presence behind Nature cannot be seen but can be inferred. It is Thou as Time, imperceptible but irresistibly fast in movement that drives, with terrific speed, all manifested beings along their course like a terrific wind blowing away the massed clouds, and ultimately brings them to their destruction by the interaction of elements.

All the creatures of the world, steeped in lust and greed, and engrossed in thoughts on the ways and means of securing their worldly ambitions, are quickly consumed by Thee, the un-winking and watchful spirit of Time, as a hungry serpent might swallow a rat that it comes upon.

The whole world is gripped with the fear of death; but to us who know Thee, Thou are a haven free of fear.

Of all the blessings a man can receive, the highest is what is got by spiritual enlightenment. With spiritual enlightenment as the boat, man crosses the limitless ocean of samsara.


Thy (God Vishnu’s) presence behind Nature ... ultimately brings them to their destruction by the interaction of elements.

This statement beautifully encapsulates the concept of the divine presence of God Vishnu in Hindu theology, particularly emphasizing his aspect as Time, or "Kala." Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, is often regarded as the preserver of the universe, responsible for maintaining cosmic order (dharma).

In Hindu philosophy, the presence of the divine is often understood as being behind the workings of nature rather than directly observable. Vishnu's presence is inferred through the marvels and intricacies of the natural world. This presence is likened to Time, which is imperceptible yet exerts an irresistible force, constantly propelling the cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution.

The analogy of Time as a driving force, like a fast-moving wind, underscores its unstoppable nature and its influence on all manifested beings. Just as a powerful wind can scatter clouds, Time moves everything along its course, indifferent to individual desires or efforts. Ultimately, it leads all beings towards their eventual dissolution, or "pralaya," through the cyclical interaction of the fundamental elements of existence.

This perspective invites contemplation on the transient nature of existence and the role of divine order in the cosmic cycle. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the divine presence in the natural world and understanding the profound influence of Time on all aspects of life.


All the creatures of the world, steeped in lust ... might swallow a rat that it comes upon.

This verse is deeply profound, encapsulating the essence of Hindu philosophy and the concept of Bhagavan Vishnu as the preserver and controller of time. Let's break it down:

Creatures of the World: Refers to all living beings, human and non-human, who are driven by desires, ambitions, and worldly pursuits. This includes desires for wealth, power, pleasure, and all forms of material success.

Steeped in Lust and Greed: Points to the inherent nature of beings to be consumed by desires and cravings, leading to actions driven by selfishness and ego.

Engrossed in Thoughts on Securing Worldly Ambitions: Highlights the preoccupation of individuals with their own goals and aspirations, often at the expense of spiritual growth or consideration for others.

Consumed by Thee, the Un-winking and Watchful Spirit of Time: Here, "Thee" refers to Bhagavan Vishnu, who is portrayed as the ultimate controller of time and the cosmos. Vishnu is often depicted with attributes such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. The reference to Vishnu as "un-winking" suggests his unwavering vigilance and omnipresence, while "watchful spirit of time" emphasizes his role as the preserver and regulator of the universe.

Hungry Serpent Swallowing a Rat: This metaphor illustrates the inevitability of time's passage and the eventual dissolution of all beings and their worldly pursuits. Just as a hungry serpent effortlessly consumes its prey, time consumes all beings and their desires, regardless of their power or status.

Overall, this verse conveys the timeless wisdom of recognizing the transient nature of worldly existence and the importance of transcending desires to attain spiritual liberation. It invites individuals to reflect on the impermanence of life and the ultimate reality governed by the divine force symbolized by Bhagavan Vishnu.


The whole world is gripped ... a haven free of fear.

In the vast expanse of this world, where the specter of death looms large, casting its shadow over every heart, we find solace in Thee, Bhagavan Vishnu. Amidst the tumultuous waves of mortal fear that engulf humanity, Thou stand as a beacon of refuge, a sanctuary untainted by dread. For those who have come to know Thee, O Vishnu, Thou art not merely a deity, but a divine sanctuary where fear finds no abode. In Thy divine presence, the clamor of mortality subsides, and the soul finds respite, anchored securely in the haven of Thy grace.


Of all the blessings a man can receive... crosses the limitless ocean of samsara.

This quote beautifully captures the essence of spiritual enlightenment and its profound significance in the journey of human existence. Let's expand on it a bit:

Spiritual enlightenment, often referred to as awakening or realization, represents a profound shift in consciousness where one transcends the limitations of the ego and perceives reality from a higher perspective. It's a state of profound wisdom, clarity, and inner peace that arises when one realizes their true nature beyond the superficial layers of identity and conditioning.

The quote suggests that of all the blessings a person can receive in life, spiritual enlightenment is the highest. This implies that material possessions, worldly success, and even intellectual knowledge pale in comparison to the transformative power of spiritual awakening. While external achievements may bring temporary satisfaction, true fulfillment and liberation come from the realization of one's spiritual essence.

Comparing spiritual enlightenment to a boat crossing the limitless ocean of samsara (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern philosophies) is metaphorically profound. Samsara is often depicted as an ocean of suffering and illusion, in which sentient beings are trapped due to ignorance and attachment. Spiritual enlightenment, then, is likened to a boat that enables one to navigate through the treacherous waters of samsara and reach the shore of liberation or enlightenment (nirvana or moksha).

By transcending the cycle of samsara through spiritual enlightenment, one frees themselves from the endless cycle of suffering and rebirth, attaining a state of eternal bliss and liberation. Thus, the quote underscores the transformative power of spiritual awakening in providing the ultimate liberation and fulfillment in the journey of life.