Late Ameer Hamza, who is fondly remembered as Belli Saheb,
is the one who built the silver chariot at Udupi Sri Krishna Math. Belli Saheb
has also made murtis in many temples in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. A practicing Muslim, the
story of Belli Saheb is highly fascinating.
Deepa Ganesh writes about the life of Belli Saheb in The
They are not sure when it all started in their family, but
Makbool, the older son of Ameer Hamza says his grandfather Sheikh Peeru saheb
was a renowned silver craftsman. “My father’s initial lessons were from him.”
But Peeru saheb mostly made huge silver utensils used in the temple. The little
Hamza was in sixth standard when he had a tiff with his father. He was so upset
that he ran away from home. It was sheer serendipity that he landed in Mysore . After working
here and there to be able to fend for his food, he chanced upon the workshop of
Subbanna Achar, who headed the team of silver and gold craftsmen in the palace of Mysore . “My father apparently stood at
the door of the workshop, day after day, and watched him at work.” Seeing
Hamza’s interest, Subbanna Achar took him into his fold, and eventually became
his most trusted artisan.