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Niralamba Upanishad Quotes

A collection of quotes of Niralamba Upanishad with explanation.

Jnana is the realization by direct cognition of the fact that in this changing universe there is nothing but Chaitanya (the one life) that is Consciousness, that if of the form of the seer and the seen, pervading all things, that is the same in all that is not subject to changes like pt, cloth etc. This realization is brought about by means of the subjugation of the body and the sense, the serving of a Good Guru, the hearing of the exposition of Vedantic doctrines and constant meditation thereon.

Caste cannot refer to the skin, the blood, the flesh or the bone. There is no caste for Atma; caste is only conventional.

Happiness is a state of being of the nature of bliss, having cognized through experience the Reality of Sachchidananda – that which is be-ness, consciousness and bliss.


The above statement ‘Happiness is a state of being…consciousness and bliss’ delves into the philosophical concept of happiness as a state of being characterized by bliss, which stems from the realization or cognition of Sachchidananda. Let's expand on this:

"Happiness is a state of being" suggests that happiness is not merely an emotion or fleeting feeling but rather a fundamental aspect of one's existence. It implies that happiness is more than just momentary pleasure; it is a deeper, more enduring state of contentment and fulfillment.

"The nature of bliss" suggests that happiness goes beyond mere satisfaction or pleasure; it is a profound sense of joy and contentment that permeates one's entire being. Bliss is often associated with spiritual or transcendent experiences, where individuals feel a profound connection to something greater than themselves.

"Having cognized through experience the Reality of Sachchidananda" introduces the concept of Sachchidananda, which is a term from Hindu philosophy. Sachchidananda represents the ultimate reality or Brahman, encompassing three aspects: Sat (existence), Chit (consciousness), and Ananda (bliss).

"Sat" refers to the aspect of existence, indicating that Sachchidananda is the fundamental reality underlying all existence. "Chit" represents consciousness, suggesting that Sachchidananda is not only existence but also awareness or consciousness itself. "Ananda" signifies bliss or divine joy, implying that Sachchidananda is the source of ultimate happiness and fulfillment.

Therefore, the statement implies that true happiness arises from the direct experience or realization of Sachchidananda, wherein one recognizes the fundamental nature of existence, consciousness, and bliss. This realization transcends mundane experiences of pleasure and leads to a profound sense of happiness and fulfillment that is intrinsic to one's being.


The statement "Caste cannot refer to the skin, the blood, the flesh or the bone. There is no caste for Atma; caste is only conventional" suggests a philosophical perspective on the nature of caste. Let's expand on it:

Caste Beyond Physical Attributes: The assertion that caste cannot refer to physical attributes like skin, blood, flesh, or bone implies that caste is not inherent in biology or genetics. It suggests that the divisions created by caste are societal constructs rather than reflections of inherent differences between individuals.

Atma (Soul) Transcends Caste: By stating "There is no caste for Atma," the statement emphasizes that at the level of the soul or spirit (Atma), there is no differentiation based on caste. This idea aligns with spiritual or philosophical beliefs that emphasize the essential unity of all beings beyond social or cultural distinctions.

Caste as Conventional: Describing caste as conventional highlights the idea that it is a product of human society and culture rather than a fundamental aspect of existence. This view suggests that caste divisions are created and maintained through social norms, traditions, and institutions rather than being intrinsic to the nature of individuals or communities.

Challenging Caste Hierarchies: By emphasizing the conventional nature of caste, the statement challenges the legitimacy of caste-based hierarchies and discrimination. It suggests that caste divisions are not immutable or natural but can be questioned, challenged, and ultimately transcended.

Overall, this perspective invites reflection on the social, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of caste, encouraging a deeper understanding of its origins, implications, and potential for change.
