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Maharshi Mehi Paramhans Ji Maharaj on Liberation

Mukti or liberation means to be freed. To be freed from what? From the body and the world. Liberation takes place when one is freed from the body and the world.

There is a strong relationship between this body (of ours) and the world. Our body is made up of precisely those very elements of which the world is made as well.

There are as many layers or levels of the world such as the gross layer, the subtle or astral layer, etc as there are in this body.

This body is called pind or microcosm and the world is called the brahmaand or the macrocosm.

At a given point of time a person remains or lives at the same level of the world as at the layer of the body in which he is living currently. Similarly, if one leaves or rises above any layer of the pind or body, he also transcends the corresponding layer of the brahmaand or world.

Thus, it is known that if one can transcend all the levels of his/her body, he can transcend all the levels of the world as well.
This body is called pind or microcosm and the world is called the brahmaand or the macrocosm.

In Hinduism, the concept of the "pind and brahmaand" illustrates the interconnectedness between the individual and the universe, often described as the microcosm and the macrocosm respectively. Let's delve deeper into this concept:

Pind (Microcosm):

  • In Hindu philosophy, the term "pind" refers to the individual human body or the microcosm. It symbolizes the entirety of the individual's existence, including the physical body, mind, and spirit.
  • The pind represents the individual's unique identity, experiences, and journey through life. It encompasses the individual's thoughts, actions, and emotions.
  • According to Hindu teachings, the pind is not separate from the external universe but rather a reflection or microcosm of it. The experiences and actions of the individual influence and are influenced by the external world.

Brahmaand (Macrocosm):

  • "Brahmaand" refers to the universe or the macrocosm in Hindu cosmology. It encompasses all of creation, including the celestial bodies, galaxies, and dimensions beyond human perception.
  • The brahmaand represents the vastness and interconnectedness of the cosmos. It includes all living beings, matter, energy, and the cosmic order (dharma).
  • In Hinduism, the brahmaand is often depicted as an infinite and cyclical manifestation of Brahman, the ultimate reality or cosmic consciousness.


  • The concept of pind and brahmaand highlights the interconnectedness between the individual and the universe. It suggests that there is a deep relationship and correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm.
  • Actions and experiences within the individual (pind) have repercussions in the external world (brahmaand), and vice versa. This interconnectedness is central to the understanding of karma, the law of cause and effect.
  • By recognizing the interconnected nature of existence, Hindu teachings encourage individuals to live in harmony with themselves, others, and the universe. This involves cultivating virtues such as compassion, gratitude, and self-awareness.

In essence, the concept of pind and brahmaand in Hinduism underscores the unity and harmony that pervades the cosmos, emphasizing the interdependence of all forms of existence. It invites individuals to explore their inner world while recognizing their place in the vast expanse of the universe.