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Seeing Dead in Dreams Meaning in Hindu Religion

Seeing dead parents, relatives, husband, wife, grand parents, brother or sisters in dreams is considered bad as per those who believe in dream interpretation. In Hindu religion there is an ancient scripture known as Swapna Shastra which gives interpretation and meaning of various dreams.

The main belief is that the soul of the dead person seen in the dream is not at peace and is still wandering on earth. Dreaming of deceased ancestors or elders is seen as a way to receive guidance or wisdom from them. The dream content and the deceased person's identity can offer clues about the specific message. 

Seeing a deceased person in your dream, especially if you have unresolved feelings or regrets about your relationship with them, could indicate a need for closure. You might be longing to connect with them again or seeking forgiveness.

Symbolism of Change: Seeing dead people in dreams can symbolize the end of something in your life—a relationship, job, phase, or aspect of yourself. It might signify a need for closure or acceptance of change.

Fear of Loss: Dreams about death can reflect subconscious fears of losing someone close to you or losing something important in your life.

Psychological Processing: Dreams often serve as a way for the mind to process emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Seeing dead people in dreams could be a manifestation of unresolved grief, guilt, or other emotions related to death or loss.

Transitional Phases: In some cultures and belief systems, seeing dead people in dreams is thought to symbolize transitions, such as moving from one phase of life to another or undergoing a spiritual transformation.

Unresolved Issues: It's possible that seeing dead people in dreams could indicate unresolved issues or unfinished business with the deceased person or with aspects of yourself that the deceased person represents.

Warning or Message: Some people believe that dreams about the dead can be messages from the spiritual realm, ancestors, or the subconscious mind, offering guidance, warnings, or insights.

Random Imagery: It's essential to remember that dreams often contain random elements and symbols that may not have specific meanings. Sometimes, seeing dead people in dreams could simply be a reflection of your subconscious mind's random processing of thoughts and memories.

Processing Loss and Grief: If you recently experienced the loss of a loved one, dreaming about them is quite common. This dream could be a way for your subconscious to process your grief and come to terms with the loss.

Those people who see such dreams are advised to read Bhagavad Gita.

Another option is to do food donation – feed poor children and elderly.

It is also advised to perform Shradh rituals to the dead during Mahalaya period especially at Gaya.