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Kaivalya Navaneetham quotes

He who has forgotten his true nature is alternately born and dies, turning round and round in the unceasing wheel of time, like a feather caught up in a whirlwind, until he realized the true nature of the Self. If he comes to see the individual self and its substratum, the Overself, then he becomes the substratum, i.e., Brahman, and escapes rebirths.

The whole universe is as unreal as water in a mirage… do not forget the Self at any moment.

Siddhis are simply for display and nothing more. They do not make for liberation.

There can be no happiness in the state of disturbance caused by passions.

Kaivalya Navaneetham – An Ancient Tamil Classic By Tandavaraya Swami
Siddhis are simply for display and nothing more. They do not make for liberation.

"Siddhis" refer to extraordinary psychic powers or abilities attained through yogic or meditative practices in various spiritual traditions, particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. These powers include abilities like levitation, telepathy, clairvoyance, and so on.

The statement you provided suggests a perspective often found in spiritual teachings, emphasizing that while siddhis can be impressive and captivating, they do not necessarily lead to true spiritual liberation or enlightenment. In many spiritual traditions, the ultimate goal is not to acquire supernatural abilities, but rather to attain a deep understanding of the nature of reality, self-awareness, and liberation from the cycle of suffering (samsara).

Some reasons why siddhis may not lead to liberation include:

  • Distraction from the true path: Focusing on acquiring siddhis can divert practitioners from the deeper spiritual work of self-inquiry, ethical living, and inner transformation.
  • Ego reinforcement: Siddhis can bolster the ego, leading to pride, attachment, and further entanglement in the illusion of separateness.
  • Transient nature: Siddhis are considered by many traditions to be impermanent and ultimately illusory, thus incapable of providing lasting fulfillment or liberation.
  • Karmic implications: Misuse or attachment to siddhis can create karmic consequences that hinder spiritual progress rather than facilitate it.

Therefore, while siddhis may be fascinating and even useful in certain contexts, they are not seen as the ultimate aim of spiritual practice. Instead, the focus is often on inner growth, self-realization, and the cultivation of qualities like compassion, wisdom, and equanimity.