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Daily 2,900 Million Liters of Sewage Is Discharged Into Ganga River

Prime minister of India said on April 17, 2012 that every day 2,900 million liters of sewage was being discharged into the Ganga. Holy River Ganga is sacred to Hindus – only sacred in prayers. It is we Hindus who are responsible for the present state of Ganga River. Seeking Her blessings and shamelessly polluting Her with all possible waste go side by side. We forget that She who can Bless also can Curse.

Ganga provides water to over 40% of India's population in 11 states.

The existing infrastructure has a capacity to treat only 1,100 million liters of sewage per day.

Most of the waste water comes from tanneries, distilleries, paper mills and sugar mills along the banks of the Ganga. Human waste, plastics etc cannot be kept track of.

Prim Minister as usual has talked in detail about the problems and solutions. This talk has been going on for several years with no concrete result on the ground. 

The reason for sudden meeting
Former Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) professor and environmentalist GD Agarwal, 80, sat on a fast-unto-death in January this year to find a solution to the pollution in Ganga. He called off his fast March 23 after a government assurance to call an NGRBA meeting on April 17.

NGRBA is National Ganga River Basin Authority. A powerful body if it performs to its capacity can do wonders.

Government had declared Ganga the National River of India on November 4, 2008. So what it means - All official formalities are completed to save Ganga!!! Meetings, more meetings, committees, sub committees, official tours have been completed. Lot of Chai (tea), biscuit, cashew nuts and bottled water has been consumed in the name of Ganga. Perks, travel allowance and salaries for many. Lot of paper and energy wasted...did not forget corruption, but why mention it when it is a routine.

Source of River Ganga - the Gangotri Glacier, a vast expanse of ice five miles by fifteen, at the foothills of the Himalayas (14000 ft) in Uttarakhand is the source of Bhagirathi River, which joins with Alaknanda River, to form Ganga at Devprayag. Global warming is shrinking the Gangotri Glacier.

Length of the River - From Devprayag to the Bay of Bengal and the vast Sunderbans delta, the Ganga flows some 1550 miles, passing through some of the most populous cities of India, including KanpurAllahabadVaranasiPatna, and Kolkata. 

What Mother Ganga Will Do - If we do not change, then all providing Mother Ganga will take the form of Mother Goddess Kali in near future. There is a limit to which a Mother can tolerate her children. If she can give life, she can also take it back.