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Bharavi Teachings - Important Teachings Of Bharavi from Kiratarjuniya

A collection of teachings of Bharavi

Those who wish good of their friends should not please them with words which are not true.

The friendship of the bad is like the shade of some precipitous river bank with crumbling sides, which, falling, buries him who is beneath.

There should not be any ambiguity in the use of words. There should not be any repetition, and the desirability of the sense should never be trampled upon.

The man who wishes to rise should first dispel the darkness of anger by his intellect.

He who although powerful does not resist the encroachments of the darkness of delusion arising from anger, destroys all the wealth and power.

Fortunes, fleeting like the autumnal clouds, cannot be retained by those whose senses are unsteady.

Important Teachings Of Bharavi from Kiratarjuniya

Bharavi's "Kiratarjuniya" is an epic poem that's highly regarded in Sanskrit literature. It's a depiction of the story of Arjuna, one of the Pandava brothers from the Indian epic Mahabharata, and his encounter with Lord Shiva disguised as a hunter (Kirata) in the forest. The poem is not just a narrative; it contains profound teachings and insights. Here are some important teachings from Bharavi's "Kiratarjuniya":

Dharma (Righteousness): Bharavi emphasizes the importance of following one's dharma or righteousness. Throughout the poem, Arjuna remains steadfast in his adherence to his duties as a warrior and as a prince, even in the face of adversity.

Humility and Respect: Arjuna learns humility and respect through his encounter with Lord Shiva, who initially appears as a mere hunter. This teaches the lesson of treating everyone with respect regardless of their appearance or social status.

Detachment: The encounter between Arjuna and Lord Shiva also teaches the lesson of detachment. Arjuna, despite being a great warrior, realizes the limitations of his power and surrenders to the greater cosmic forces represented by Shiva.

Self-Realization: Bharavi explores themes of self-realization and inner strength. Arjuna undergoes a spiritual transformation during his encounter with Shiva, ultimately gaining deeper insight into his own identity and purpose.

Unity of Existence: The poem also conveys the idea of the unity of existence, where all beings are interconnected and part of the same cosmic fabric. This is symbolized by the divine encounter between Arjuna and Shiva, highlighting the underlying unity beneath apparent diversity.

Courage and Perseverance: Arjuna's journey in "Kiratarjuniya" underscores the importance of courage and perseverance in the face of challenges. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Arjuna remains resolute in his pursuit of righteousness and ultimately emerges victorious.

Overall, Bharavi's "Kiratarjuniya" serves not only as a literary masterpiece but also as a profound philosophical work, imparting timeless wisdom on various aspects of life and spirituality.
