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Mookam Karoti Vachalam Prayer with English Meaning

Mookam Karoti Vachalam is a prayer dedicated to Sri Krishna. The prayer extols that Supreme Bliss can be achieved through the unwavering devotion of Sri Krishna. The prayer is given below in Hindi with English transliteration and English meaning.

The meaning - Salutations to Sri Krishna, who is the personification of Supreme joy.
By His grace even the dumb can become eloquent in speech, and the lame can cross over mountains (of obstacles in life).

Siritual Significance Of Prayer Mookam Karoti Vachalam

"Mookam Karoti Vachalam" comes from a Sanskrit prayer often recited before beginning spiritual or educational endeavors. It holds deep spiritual significance in Hindu philosophy and is often recited to seek the blessings of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

The prayer essentially means that through the grace of the divine, the mute can become eloquent and the paralyzed can become dynamic. It symbolizes the transformative power of divine grace, which can overcome any limitations or obstacles.

From a spiritual perspective, this prayer emphasizes the belief in the power of divine intervention to overcome personal limitations, whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual. It also underscores the importance of humility and surrender to the divine will in one's pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

In essence, reciting this prayer is a way to invoke divine blessings and guidance before embarking on any intellectual or spiritual endeavor, acknowledging the inherent limitations of human abilities and seeking assistance from a higher power to overcome them.